In 2011, I had an amazing dream one night with very specific symbolism and the next morning looked up what I had just experienced in the Dream Realms...
I think that perhaps that day was a major turning point for my life. I reached out by email to the website that completely resonated with what I'd just woken up from. And I was introduced to an amazing woman... my new prosperity mentor, Marilyn Jenett. I continue to use Feel Free to Prosper and am always amazed at how perfectly Universal Principles work together to bring about growth and maturity in all aspects of life.
Our Divinity becomes clearer every day. One of the truest ways to know this is through the infinite depths of our hearts, our natural generosity and desire to help others.
Empathy is a Natural human trait, whereas greed is learned through culture and social norms. When we give, we are "doing for others as we would do for ourselves" and this is an energy of exchange - signaling to the eternal multiverse to send something back to us in return. It may not always be an immediate or an even exchange but I have learned well that when we give from the heart, selflessly and with pure intentions, we are compensated in some way by Spirit.
When we let go of something for the sake of another it is an act of Love. This is a Divine action and one that does not go unnoticed.
One way to foster the free flow of abundance and opportunity into your life is to give... to Pay It Forward!
This page is a list of fantastic ways you can make a difference through the selfless act of giving. It will continue to grow because there are an endless number of worthy causes to give to.
Give to Animals
Click the link below for FREE to support the Greater Good. Your daily click provides food through contributions from sponsors! It takes less than 30 seconds to make a difference & Pay It Forward for pets in shelters.
"In 2020, Heart Vision means seeing through cultural illusions and implementing heart-based solutions. Peace is created through cooperation, not competition."